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Governing Body Members

It is a statutory requirement that colleges, like schools, have a governing body called a corporation.

The Group’s Corporation is known as East Kent Colleges Group’s Governing Body. The Governing Body has an agreed Public Value Statement. Its members consist of volunteers who are drawn from the community, and a staff and student member from the Group. The Governors offer experience from sectors such as business, local government, education and the public service sector. Independent members are appointed by the Governing Body and the Staff Governor is elected by the staff of the Group. The student Governor is elected by the students of the group.

The Governing Body’s role is to agree a strategic direction for the East Kent Colleges Group, setting objectives and monitoring the results. The Governing Body supports the Group in achieving the delivery of a high-quality learning experience for students by providing a strategic role and not becoming involved with the operational management of the individual Colleges. The Governing Body is governed by its adopted Instrument and Articles. The Group has decided its own standing orders for good governance within the statutory framework.

The Group’s Instrument and Articles of Government determine the duties and responsibilities of the Governing Body. The Governing Body is responsible for:

  • determining the educational character and mission of the Group and for oversight of its activities;
  • approving the quality strategy of the institution;
  • ensuring the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the Group and the Governing Body and safeguarding assets;
  • approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;
  • the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk;
  • establishing a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.

The Governing Body meets on a structured basis with the minutes being published after they have undergone a review and approval cycle. This normally happens within four months of the meeting.

Our Governing Body Members

Charles Buchanan
Chairman of the Governing Body
Graham Razey OBE
Chief Executive Officer
Francesca Lashmar
Staff Governor
Ella Brocklebank
Miranda Chapman
Peter Cheney
Gail Clarke
Natalie Garner
Helen Hammond
Jason Howard
John Korzeniewski
Sam Lawrence-Rose
Tammy Mitchell
John Oliphant
Carmel Togher
Dr Peter Troke
Jo Worby

We are a group of six community-based colleges

Our mission is to play a leading role for East Kent in developing the economic and social prosperity of the diverse communities we serve.