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Two EKC Group sites scoop prizes at Green School Awards 2024

10 December 2024
Two East Kent Colleges Group sites have collected awards at this year's Green School Awards.

Two East Kent Colleges (EKC) Group sites have collected awards at this year’s Green School Awards.

The Green School Awards were held on 29 November 2024, at the Ashford International Hotel.

The event aims to celebrate and inspire positive action for the planet and sees schools and colleges across the county come together to showcase the work they have done.

EKC Broadstairs College picked up two awards at this year's Green School Awards. Picture: Countrywide Photographic

Nominations were received from sites across Kent, and 28 winners were selected.

Each of the 28 winners received certificates for their outstanding “Green Initiatives” such as tree planting, bee keeping, and composting.

From the 28 winners, nine were recognised with additional awards and EKC Group scooped three prizes.

The Spring Lane campus at EKC Canterbury College won an award for the regeneration of the Spring Lane site.

Home to the College’s land-based, environmental, and animal care courses, Spring Lane was renovated last year with sustainability in mind.

Just some of the sustainable renovations include green roofs which offer natural insulation to the buildings which in turn, reduce heating needs in the winter and assist with cooling in the summer.

EKC Broadstairs College also scooped the Further Education Trailblazer Award

Meanwhile, EKC Broadstairs College won an award for its Forest School.

The College also scooped the Further Education Trailblazer Award for the second year running.

Sam Butler, who is a lecturer at EKC Broadstairs Forest School, said: “We are really proud of both the students and the work that they put into the Forest School.

“They work so well to develop their skills across the year from attendance to communication, and being able to take some of our students along and watch them collect the awards with pride was wonderful to see.

“It gave them a tangible reward and a chance to experience a glitzy event.”

The event celebrates positive action schools and colleges have taken to help the planet. Picture: Countrywide Photographic

On the day, some schools showcased exhibits during a show and share session before the awards ceremony. Many produced videos which gave an insight into the impressive work they had done.

A spokesperson for the Green School Awards added: “These awards serve as an excellent way to not only celebrate the achievements of the young people of Kent and Medway, but to share ideas and initiatives too.

“It was a joy to see the children and adults present enthusiastically sharing ideas and initiatives.

“A notable theme within the 2024 entries was progress. It was wonderful to see schools that have nominated before, making even more progress.”