Jazz | EKC Canterbury College
Jazz achieved Distinction, Merit, Merit (DMM), in Level 3 Animal Management and will be studying a HND in Applied Animal Science at our EKC Canterbury College in September.

Joey | EKC Broadstairs College
Digital Production, Design, and Development T Level student, Joey, is taking on a degree Apprenticeship with a local Software Engineering company after achieving a Distinction.

Tianna | EKC Ashford College
Tianna achieved a Distinction in Level 3 Photography and will be going to London Metropolitan University to ready Photography in September.
Speaking about her experiences studying at the College, Tianna said: “I had previously done a year at sixth form but realised I wanted to pursue photography, so came to college instead.
“Before I started my college course I didn’t want to go to uni, but EKC Ashford College has helped me find my path and now I’m looking forward to uni!
“I had a great time at college, and advise other students to make the most of their time and the facilities!”

Thomas | EKC Dover College
Thomas is looking forward to starting his career in computing after successfully completing the T Level in Digital Support, achieving a Pass.

Evie | EKC Canterbury College
Evie will be reading American Theatre Arts at Rose Bruford College after achieving a Distinction in Level 3 Extended Diploma in Acting.
Speaking about her experiences studying at the College, Evie said: “The Acting course at College has helped me develop not only as an actor, but as a person. I felt so supported by everyone around me and my Lecturer, Sarah, was an excellent tutor and mentor. I have received so many opportunities thanks to my course!”

David | EKC Ashford College
David is looking forward to studying Games Technology at the University of Portsmouth after successfully completing his Level 3 Information Technology course.

Charles | EKC Dover College
Charles successfully completed the T Level in Digital Support, achieving a Merit. He is hoping to progress into a role in the IT industry.

Kieran and Grant | EKC Ashford College
Kieran and Grant successfully completed their Access to Higher Education course and will both be heading to Canterbury Christ Church University in September. Kieran will read Criminology and Sociology, and Grant will study International Tourism Management.

Poppy | EKC Canterbury College
Poppy will be reading Music Marketing, Media and Communications at BIMM Institute Manchester, after achieving a Distinction in Level 3 Music Performance and Production.
Speaking about her experiences studying at the College, Poppy said: “College gave me the ability to make my crazy ideas a reality. They were so supportive. I even was able to go to Spain to perform as part of my final project. My Tutors, Karl and Aaron, were fantastic, and I have met so many wonderful people. I never thought I’d go to University – but how the tables have turned!”

Isobelle | EKC Ashford College
Isobelle is looking forward to studying Visual Communication at the University of Creative Arts Canterbury after achieving a Merit in Level 3 Photography.

Luke | EKC Canterbury College
Luke achieved a Distinction in Level 3 Extended Diploma in Acting and will be progressing to study a degree in American Theatre Arts at Rose Bruford College.

Ryan | EKC Dover College
Ryan is looking forward to starting the second year of the T Level in Digital Support after successfully passing the first year of the qualification.

Bethany | EKC Canterbury College
Bethany will be reading Psychology at Canterbury Christ Christ Church University after successfully completing her Level 3 Health and Social Care qualification.
Speaking about her experiences studying at the College, Bethany said: “I chose to study Health and Social Care to discover different elements of the industry. My course had great placement opportunities and I got to spend two days a week at a special needs school this year.
“I am now so much more confident, and the course has given me experience that will support my future career plans.
“I became the SU President, which was my biggest achievement, and was able to host events, run trips and be the head of student voice. During this time, I raised money for charity, raised awareness for different causes, and hosted trips and events including our first ever Prom.”

Jacob and Lilijana | EKC Ashford College
Jacob and Lilijana are looking forward to joining the University of Kent to study Computer Science after successfully completing their Level 3 Information Technology course.

Megan | EKC Broadstairs College
Megan achieved a Merit in the first year of our Level 3 Performing Arts course. She’s looking forward to starting the second year of the course at our EKC Canterbury College in September.

Seth and John | EKC Ashford College
Level 3 Information Technology students, Seth and John, are looking forward to joining Canterbury Christ Church University in September to study Software Engineering after successfully completing their course.

Viola | EKC Canterbury College
Viola achieved a Merit in Level 3 Creative Writing and Journalism. Speaking about their experiences, they said: “I chose to study at College so I was in a better position to excel in my career as a creative. I have always been interested in writing novels, poetry and scripts, and this course has helped me gain the skills I need for it.
“During my time at College I have had one of my own books printed and been to a school to read to their students.
“I am now in a fantastic position to embark on my career as a freelance writer and illustrator. I am currently in the process of getting one of my books published!
“My advice to future students – be patient and be yourself; there’s nothing better than being yourself!”

Ell | EKC Broadstairs College
Ell is looking forward to studying Forensic Investigation (Criminal Investigation) at Canterbury Christ Church University after achieving a B in her Level 3 Health and Social Care course.

Benjamin and Joshua | EKC Ashford College
Benjamin and Joshua both successfully completed their Level 3 Engineering course. Joshua has been accepted to study Engineering at the University of Kent. Meanwhile, Benjamin is looking forward to a break before deciding his next steps.